Privacy Policy Generator

Search Engine Optimization

Privacy Policy Generator

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(Don't have a company registered, enter the website name.)

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Do you show advertising through Google AdSense on your website?

Do you show advertising from third parties?

Do you use cookies on your website?

Your Privacy Policy!

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About Privacy Policy Generator

Privacy Policy Generator

What is a privacy policy?

A privacy policy is a legal document in which you disclose what data you collect from users, how you handle the data collected, and how you use it. An important purpose of a privacy policy is to inform users about how you collect, use and manage the data collected.


Not everyone knows how to enter into a privacy policy agreement, especially with CCPA or GDPR or CalOPPA or PIPEDA or Australian Privacy Act provisions. If you're not an attorney or someone who knows about privacy policies, you won't know. Some people may even take advantage of you because of it. Some people may even blackmail you. Here are a few examples that we want to prevent you from happening. We will help protect you by creating a privacy policy.

Our privacy policy generator can help ensure your business is in compliance with the law. We are here to help protect your business, yourself and your customers.

Fill in the blanks below and we'll create a custom website privacy policy for your business. No need to register for an account. Just create and upload a privacy policy in seconds!

A quick note on completing this privacy policy generator:

Not all parts of this Privacy Policy may apply to your website. Sections that do not apply can be deleted. Optional items can be selected in step 2. The accuracy of the privacy policy created on this website is not legally binding. Use at your own risk.

Can I copy someone else's privacy policy?

We recommend that you do not copy other people's privacy policies. First of all, a privacy policy is a legal document that is protected by copyright. But most importantly, a privacy policy should be created based on the exact data you collect. Our privacy policy generator can help you with this.